STRATEGIS conducts R&D in Blue Growth ICT technologies in collaboration with its members and a global network of research partners affiliated with academic institutions, research centres and corporate R&D Labs.
Research interests lie in Shipping 4.0 & emerging technologies in the Blue Economy & 4IR: IIoT, Internet of Everything (IoE), Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Augmented Reality (AR), Digital Twins, Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, Circular Economy.
Strategis serves on the Advisory Board of: the PROTeus [MED Cluster network on Maritime Surveillance], PELAGOS [transnational Mediterranean Cluster in Blue Energy], and Blue RoSES [EMFF project: Blue Robotics for Sustainable Eco-friendly Services for Innovative marinas and leisure boats”], DYDAS “DYnamic Data Analytics Services” offering a collaborative platform for data, algorithms, processing & analytics to public and private user communities; and as an Associate Partner of the Erasmus Mundus MIR – EMJMP Program in Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics.
STRATEGIS participates in the ERASMUS+ project, MaQuaM.
The MaQuaM “International Qualification on Marine and Tourism for the Mediterranean Harbours”, project aims to develop human resources in the nautical sector favoring the integration between shipbuilding production chains and the growing importance of port and tourist services.
Blue Roses
Dr. Yovanof / Strategis is a member of the Advisory Board of the BlueRoSES project, “Blue Robotics for Sustainable Eco-friendly Services for Innovative Marinas and leisure boats.”
The BlueRoses is an EASME EC project in the frame of the EMFF fund for the EU’s maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020
In the area of Professional Education & Training, Strategis collaborates with its founding member, GMC Maritime Training Center & Maritime Academy.
With headquarters in Piraeus and offices in Greece and Finland, the GMC Maritime Training Center provides a wide range of maritime training programs in accordance with latest IMO, STCW, ISM, TMSA, TOTS, int’l standards.
As part of the MaQuam ERASMUS+ project Strategis develops an ECVET certified programme for the training of the professional profile of the “Manager of integrated services for boating and coastal tourism.”
Strategis has signed an MoU with the BEP – Piraeus Chamber of Small & Medium Sized Industries to support its Innovation Centre and collaborate in the up-skilling and the digital transformation of the regional industries. Among its 16,000 members, BEP includes most of the members of the Piraeus shipbuilding & repair zone, more than 350 companies.
Strategis also contributes to the Blue Growth Initiative; is a member of the Local Support Group (ULG) of the BluAct & Tech Revolution projects run by the City of Piraeus; organizes business plan competitions and hackathons; and supports start-up incubators and accelerators.
Contributing to Piraeus BG-DIH
Piraeus Blue Growth Digital Innovation Hub (BG-DIH)
• BG-DIH is a regional multi-partner cooperation serving as one stop-shop that helps Blue Economy companies to become more competitive with regard to their business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies
Scientific & Industrial Workshops
STRATEGIS regularly contributes to Scientific Conferences and Industry Workshops with talks on emerging technologies, soft skills, and entrepreneurship for the Blue Economy.
• G.S. Yovanof, invited Industrial Keynote, “The Digital Transformation of Shipping & Clusters of Innovation”, SPAWC 2018, 19th IEEE Workshop.
• G.S. Yovanof, Headline Talk, “Autonomous Marine Systems – A Driver of Growth in the Ocean Economy”, ICIP2018 The 25th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Image Processing.
• EUSAIR Roundtable “Investment in Skills and Education” July 9, 2021with a talk on “Blue Skills focusing on sustainable ship-and boat-building in the AI Region.”