@StrategisCluster is proud and excited to have participated in the ‘5G and GovTech Workshop’ held on Wednesday, 25/10/23 at the Foundation of the Hellenic World, Athens, Greece.
The “5G and GovTech” Workshop organized by the p-NET Competence Center & the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance (GR digiGOV-innoHUB), brought together stakeholders from Government, Academia and Business, who had the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences and to discuss arising opportunities in emerging technologies!
During the presentations and discussions, a strong consensus was observed that 5G and digitalization present a strong opportunity for Greece to lead in the region and beyond in the areas of:
- XR and the Metaverse by utilizing Greece’s unparallel historical and cultural heritage, along with the existing ecosystem.
- Ports, Airports, Rail, and Logistics to establish Greece as the leading next-gen digital corridor connecting the Mediterranean to Northern Europe.
- PPDR through LTE/5G, 3GPP, providing high reliability, wide coverage, and centralised services of voice, data, and video to first responder authorities such as Police, Fire Brigades, and Healthcare.
- Smart City and Smart Islands to provide advanced education, healthcare, and sustainability across Greece.
The presentations and the video of the Workshop may be found at: 5G and Gov Tech- Addressing Innovation Challenges & Opportunities for Government, Business & Society in Greece – digiGOV-innoHUB
Strategis’ presentation on “The present and future of Digital Maritime” can be found here: